A Day in Anderson
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Cristy Pendley and John Bertling Julian Melchor
Pam Finke
Pam Finke
Judge Betty Shiflett
Judge Betty and Cousin Michael
Judge Betty and Cousin Michael
Today was a lot of fun. Michael and I went to Grimes County Commissioner's Court to ask for plat approval for our Section 4. The court meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month in Anderson, the county seat. We had communicated with just about all of the county officials for weeks prior to the court date so the whole process went pretty smooth.
The recently re-elected Judge Betty Shiflett held court and gave our plat the appropriate scrutiny necessary to ensure that it conform to the standards of Grimes County residential development. The present court has been working very hard to make sure that the developers in their county build quality and sustainable communities for the county's residents.
Commissioners Pam Finke, Julian Melchor, John Bertling, and Cristy Pendley all agreed to approve our preliminary and final plats the same day after some closed session discussion.
After court adjourned, Michael and I had lunch at Kott's across the street from the historic Court House. They served us peanut butter pie (awesome!).
Labels: Betty Shiflett, Cristy Pendley, Crown Ranch, Eric Estes, John Bertling, Julian Melchor, Michael Weingrad, Pam Finke