Section 3 Update - Construction Journal Part 2
Monday, September 27, 2010
Many of you have recommended that I avoid the youtube format since my directing ability tends to be a little less than exciting. Taking this good advice I have opted to deliver the Section 3 update via the blog.
We have laid down the sub-base for the road and installed most of the drain structures. Water lines are nearly complete which will allow us to proceed to installation of electric and gas lines. And, yes, high-speed fiber-optic cable will go in concurrently with the electric lines.
We have laid down the sub-base for the road and installed most of the drain structures. Water lines are nearly complete which will allow us to proceed to installation of electric and gas lines. And, yes, high-speed fiber-optic cable will go in concurrently with the electric lines.
Section 3 is unusual for an acreage development since roughly 30% of the drainage will be facilitated by curb and gutter. Drainage in acreage developments is typically controlled solely by open ditch. We used curb and gutter because the topography here is so dramatic. I'm looking forward to rollerblading in this section. Make sure your kids wear a helmet before they ride skateboards through here.
The above photo is of the impressive power curber. Lay down the rebar, call the concrete truck, and you're in business!
Of course a good contractor has a finish team make final improvements after the machine lays down the curb.
Jesse, our top-notch contractor, actually works in the field and operates equipment.
We're right on track to finish Section 3 so, if you don't own property here or in Crown Ranch, you need to come to Magnolia, Texas and buy some before the prices go up as the infastructure requirements are completed. See you soon!